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for the life
The course aims to promote the socio-emotional training of adolescents and young people in vulnerable situations, through the experiential and comprehensive development of socio-emotional skills relevant to life and to their mental health. The course will mainly develop the socio-emotional skills of self-knowledge, emotional regulation, self-confidence, empathy, creativity and collaboration, through multiple languages and stimuli.
the course
How it happens And its Objectives
The course consists of two stages, in a total of about 35 hours. The two stages take place after school hours and on the premises of partner public schools.
STAGE I: Intensive and experiential socio-emotional training
The training is made up of 4 modules, which are: Creating the environment, Strengthening relationships, Getting to know yourself and Making meaningful choices, in a total of 30 face-to-face hours. In this stage, socio-emotional skills are developed in an experiential, practical and reflective way. At the end of this stage, each young person will also have the opportunity to develop their future life project, including various dimensions of their life, including the socio-emotional dimension.
STAGE II: Monitoring the implementation of the vida project Stage that aims to support and encourage the implementation of life projects built in the course, through follow-up meetings and goal setting. The total workload of this second stage is about 10 classroom hours.
Socio-emotional development:
Greater self-knowledge and regulation of one's own feelings and emotions;
Improves the ability to work in a team and make decisions;
Improved interpersonal relationships,
through increased empathy,
collaboration and autonomy;
Relationship with the school:
Improved school performance;
Decrease in the number of absences from school;
Decrease in dropout e school repetition;
Life project and intervention action:
Increased awareness of one's interests, values and strengths;
Conscious decision making
about the future;
Development of a life project with objectives and goals for life.
The Socio-Emotional Skills for Life course offers authorial pedagogical material, called Logbook, which is related to each module of the course. The material is of great relevance for deepening the self-development of young people and for building and monitoring the life project of each participant.
teaching materials
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